The landscape around the hiring of healthcare providers is complex. With a serious shortage of providers there are definitely opportunities. But that doesn’t change the fact that health systems still work very hard to find the best providers and the best fit for their system.

When it comes to hiring for specific roles, health systems have a process in place to create job postings and other content and deliverables to promote their postings. Using different tools they then go looking for the right fit. Once the find a candidate contact is made and the hiring process begins.

On the physician side it all starts with the CV. This important document spells out the education, training and job experience that a provider has completed. Often research, papers and other works are also included in the CV. When creating a CV the orientation and organization of these items is really important. Often a provider recruiter is going to be the first point of contact for a provider. They are going to be the one reviewing the CV to see if the provider will be a good fit for the position as well as the organization. If the CV looks good the recruiter may set up a screening interview over the phone to further vet the candidate. Oftentimes this process is led by the CV. The recruiter will be reviewing the CV and asking questions if there are gaps or other red flags. After this step the candidate will go deeper into the system, likely next speaking with department chiefs and other physicians on staff. Again the CV will take center stage as the first step in the vetting process for the department chiefs.

In a word your CV is your first impression. And we all know the importance of a good first impression! CVs that are disorganized, poorly formatted and full of spelling and grammatical errors are not a good first impression. As a former recruiter I have seen poor CVs get immediately tossed aside. They may be a great candidate and a great fit for the job but without a solid CV they don’t stand a chance.

At MDAgents we know the healthcare hiring landscape well! For years our team has been on the hiring side of the equation. We are now excited to offer our expertise on the provider side by helping physicians create CVs built to impress. We don’t focus on gimmicks, we do focus on good formatting, solid document organization and error free CVs. Reach out to Tony today at for more details. Or check out our Services for more on what we offer.